The decline of society

A Personal Reflection on Societal Challenges

2 min readMar 21, 2024
Photo by Jingxi Lau on Unsplash

I don’t usually delve into political or controversial realms here — this space is dedicated to entertainment, not politics. Yet, as an individual deeply concerned about our future, silence feels like complicity. Still, as a neurodivergent individual with an IQ of 139, witnessing the world’s injustices and societal regression, primarily through my lens, compels me to speak out.

The endorsement of hate, terrorism, and, astonishingly, war criminals leaves me dismayed. As a lesbian closely monitoring the escalating war on LGBTQ+ rights, the conflict in Ukraine — which hits close to home due to my Ukrainian heritage and childhood spent there — and the neglect of the helpless and disabled in the UK, I feel the need to voice my thoughts.

The War on LGBTQ+ Rights

Every day, I observe growing animosity towards LGBTQ+ individuals. I’m in a loving relationship; we find happiness in each other, yet some aim to strip this joy away due to prejudice. We face discrimination and suppression, often finding our voices shadow-banned on social media platforms for simply existing openly.

But we persist, displaying pride flags and stickers, not as a challenge but as a beacon for others, signalling that none of us is alone in this fight against hate. While some view Pride Month and parades as excessive, these events remind us of our resilience and rightful place in society.

Putin’s War on Ukraine

This topic is personally challenging, but silence feels like a betrayal. The invasion of Ukraine is a tragedy, an affront to humanity, and a violation of freedom. It’s disheartening to see some portray Putin as a laudable leader, dismissing the suffering and resistance of the Ukrainian people. The apathy of “Not my country, not my problem” contradicts the very essence of human solidarity and decency.

The Disregard for the Disabled and Helpless

Reflecting on local issues, the plight of the disabled in the UK starkly illustrates societal apathy. Instances, where individuals with disabilities receive no assistance in public transport, are a testament to a broader societal failure to support and uplift each other.

We are veering away from a society that cares and assists one another towards one marred by division and hostility, manifesting in the real world, online, and even within gaming communities.




Blog Writer | Gamer | I manage a small community on Discord and code Discord bots.